Source code for dry_tests.tests.tests_models.test_urls

Tests for urls
from django.test import SimpleTestCase, tag
from dry_tests.models.urls import Url

[docs] @tag('dry') class UrlTestCase(SimpleTestCase): """ Tests for Url """
[docs] def test_make_url(self): """ Make with url only :return: """ self.assertEqual(Url('/').make_url(), '/')
[docs] def test_make_url_with_args(self): """ Make with args :return: """ self.assertEqual( Url('/', args=['one', 'two']).make_url(), '/one/two/', )
[docs] def test_make_url_with_unique_params(self): """ Make with unique params :return: """ self.assertEqual( Url('/', params={ 'one': 'one', 'two': 'two', }).make_url(), '/?one=one&two=two', )
[docs] def test_make_url_with_same_params(self): """ Make with same params :return: """ self.assertEqual( Url('/', params={ 'one': ('one', 'two'), 'two': 'two', }).make_url(), '/?one=one&one=two&two=two', )
[docs] def test_make_url_wrong_type_params(self): """ Error parameter value :return: """ with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Url('/', params={ # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned 'one': ['one', 'two'], 'two': 'two', }).make_url(), # pylint: disable=trailing-comma-tuple