Forms testing

For example, You want to test this django Form:

class ExampleForm(forms.Form):
    Example form class
    name = forms.CharField(max_length=5)
    number = forms.IntegerField(initial=3)

This is the test. We use TrueForm model and assertTrueForm:

class ExampleFromTestCase(SimpleTestCase):
    Example Form Test Class

    def test_form(self):
        Example Test with django-dry-tests
        true_form = TrueForm(  # Set Up TrueForm instance
               Fields(  # TrueForm Fields
                   count=2,  # check fields count
                       'number', 'name'
                   ],  # check field names
                       'name': forms.CharField,
                       'number': forms.IntegerField
                   }  # check fields types
        current_form = ExampleForm()  # Get project form
        self.assertTrueForm(current_form, true_form)  # use this main assert to check all conditions